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酒店客房IC卡智能节电取电开关The guest room IC card intelligence stanza electricity in hotel takes to 酒店客房IC卡智电节能取电开关酒店客房IC卡、感应卡智能节电取电开关是我公司专为酒店宾馆而设计的酒店客房智能节能取电开关。它采客房的开门卡进行取电和去电,以致客人离开客房既将客房的电关掉,节约电能。 <一> 功能:静态时:指示灯亮无负载输出。动态时:指示灯熄灭有负载输出(即1、插入卡指示灯熄灭,有负载输出;拔出卡后经5-10秒延时指示灯亮,无负载输出。) <二> 性能: 1、 额定工作电压:U=AC200V 2、 静态工作电流:IS<10mA 3、 静态功耗:Ps<40Mw 4、 动态工作电流:ID<20mA 5、 动态功耗PD<0.5W 6、 较大工作负载电流:IR=30A 7、 规格: A、 外观尺寸:85×85×39mm B、 整机重量:G=100g <三> 检测:按操做指导书接好线,检查无误后通电。通电后,指示灯亮,负载断电。插入使用卡,指示灯熄灭,则负载通电。拔出使用卡,经5-10秒的延时指示灯亮,负载断电。经过上述的插卡――工作-拔卡――延时关闭为一个工作周期。若上述工作正  确,则本产品的功能是完全的,到此测试完毕。 <四> 安装步骤: 1. 将节电开关面板与底板掰开。 2. 连接电源和负载;电源火线、零线分别接在节电开关标有IN的两个接线柱上,负载的火线,零线分别接在节电开关标有OUT的两个接线柱上。 3. 用两个螺钉将开关底板固定在标准电源开关盒上。 4. 将节电开关面板与开关底板扣位对齐,适当加压,使开关面板与开关底扣紧。 警告:请确认电源接线无误后才能通电。 火线输入 火线输入 零线输出 零线输出此示图为元件层的主视图 The guest room IC card intelligence stanza electricity in hotel takes to give or get an electric shock a switch The guest room IC card in hotel Zhi electricity economy energy’s taking to give or get an electric shock guest room IC card in switch hotel and responding the card intelligence stanza electricity to take to give or get an electric shock a switch is just for my company the guest room intelligence economy energy in hotel of guest house in the hotel but design to take to give or get an electric shock a switch.It adopts opening the door of guest room the card carry on taking an electricity and give or get an electric shock, with the result that the guest leaves guest room since turn off the electricity of guest room, economize electric power.<1> function:Static state:The indicator is bright to have no load to output.Dynamic state:The indicator puts out load exportation(namely 1, insert a card indicator to put out, have a load to output;The indicator is bright, has no load to output while postponing through 5-10 after pulling out card.)<2> function:1, the sum settle work electric voltage:U=AC200 V 2, the static state work electric current:IS<10 mas 3, the static state achievement consume:Ps<40 Mws 4